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5 Slack Communities for HR, People Ops, and Recruiting Professionals

Ah, Slack…that magical place where we go to give work updates and then immediately paste our favorite GIFs? Yeah, it's not just for your company. It's turned into a platform for industry groups to trade news, ask questions, and swap templates to make your work even easier. You know, for all your professional development needs.

Now, let's talk about People teams. They've got more on their plates than ever, but they're often left with, like, a spork and a napkin to get the job done. HR and Recruiting can feel a little lonely sometimes, like they're stuck on their own little island of paper jams and awkward interviews. But don't worry, there's a Slack community life raft! Specialized (and free!) community Slack groups are all about connecting HR and People Ops folks, so they can share their wisdom and lend a helping hand to each other.

Why Slack Communities are Important

So, why are Slack communities like the ultimate hangout spot for HR, People Ops, and Recruiting pros? Let me break it down:

  • Networking: You know, where you meet all those amazing folks from different places and industries, and suddenly your professional circle is bigger than your Aunt Jeanne’s Thanksgiving dinner.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Like a virtual library, but with real people sharing resources, articles, and their own experiences. It's like getting a free masterclass in your field every day!
  • Support: Slack communities are like a big group hug where everyone helps each other, gives feedback, and celebrates success together. It's like a never-ending office birthday party, without the awkward singing.
  • Real-Time Communication: Imagine a world where you can ask questions and get answers faster than it takes to heat up your leftovers in the office microwave. That's Slack!

So yeah, Slack communities can be pretty great for HR and People Ops professionals.

Recommended Slack Communities for HR, People Ops, and Recruiting Professionals

Alright, let's talk about the best Slack communities for HR, People Ops, and Recruiting pros – it's like a buffet of knowledge and networking!


Picture the biggest, most bustling office party – that's PeoplePeople, with over 9,000 members! Founded in 2016, it currently hosts the largest and most active Slack group not run by an HR software company. Managed by HR Chief, this group is all about sharing best practices and learning from each other.

Did I mention that membership includes access to member-exclusive offers, free resources, and member programming? Cha-ching!

Resources for Humans (RfH)

Brought to you by Lattice, RfH is like a colleague who promotes the exchange of ideas and advice, allowing members to benefit from the collective wisdom of their peers. It's a moderated community with a resource library that'll make your HR heart sing.


Culture Amp's offering is like a cozy, close-knit group of HR buddies. With an approval process for new members, they keep it high-quality and focused on sharing experiences and learning from one another.


This community, with its own podcast and newsletter, is all about people ops, HR, and talent professionals. Smaller than the others, but still a treasure trove of insights and best practices!

Rands Leadership Slack Group

Not just for HR folks, but with over 20,000 members and 600 channels, this group is all about leadership. It's like going to an inspiring leadership conference without having to wear a name badge.

So there you have it, the top Slack communities for HR, People Ops, and Recruiting pros – because who doesn't love connecting with others who understand the joys of office life?

The Power of Slack Communities for Professional Development

Slack communities are like an always-on superhero meetup for professional development without the awkwardness – they bring together real-time communication, collaboration, and networking to save the day for professionals who need a boost. Let's dive into the biggest value-adds:

Slack communities help you build a network of professionals from all walks of life. It's like a conference where everyone's wearing their best superhero cape, ready to team up for new opportunities, collaborations, and career growth. The diverse audiences allow folks to learn from one another, exchange ideas, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends in their field.

In Slack communities, you can also join forces with other professionals to tackle projects and solve problems. It's like assembling the Avengers for a brainstorming session, resulting in innovative solutions and fresh perspectives.

We all need a team of cheerleaders, right? Slack communities are like a support network of sidekicks, ready to encourage, provide feedback, and celebrate your successes. It's the morale boost every professional needs. Whether you’re an HRDOO or part of a big team, getting some exposure outside of your local watering hole is going to broaden your horizons. These communities are like a never-ending university, where you can share resources, discuss best practices, and learn from each other's experiences.

Now what?

Slack communities for HR, People Ops, and Recruiting should be a part of your weekly routine for pros in these industries! From networking and knowledge sharing to teamwork and virtual high-fives, these communities offer a ton of benefits.

By joining the party, professionals can stay on top of the latest trends, tools, and tricks of the trade, making sure they're always in-the-know. And as People teams become more important than ever, Slack communities are like a secret weapon for professionals looking to level up their careers and stay in touch with their fellow office superheroes.

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Ben Travis

Ben is the founder of HR Chief. He enjoys working with passionate teams to solve impactful problems with technology.

He has a heart for HR/People Ops teams and uses his experience from the startup, agency, and nonprofit spaces to drive results.